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Statement by Senator Rick Bennett (R-Oxford)

Maine is largely a rural state. The people of rural Maine — those I represent — depend on electricity more than ever. In western Maine, our future depends on jobs and small businesses that rely on the poles and lines that bring us power and internet services too. Electricity is essential to Maine homes and…

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A Maine Power Company: Possible and Practical

Put Electricity Back into the Hands of Ratepayers Sam May is a former Wall Street analyst with experience in both Silicon Valley and Hong Kong. He lives in Portland and is co-founder of Maine Harvest. AS MAINE grapples with decarbonizing its economy to meet ambitious climate mitigation goals, I urge us to think big and…

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Controlling Maine’s Energy Future

Richard Silkman, Ph.D. of Scarborough is a former director of the Maine State Planning Office and the CEO of Competitive Energy Services, an energy consulting firm based in Portland. This piece was first published as an Op-Ed in the Portland Press Herald on March 15, 2021 and is reprinted here by the author’s permission. Maine’s…

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Pine Tree Power Provides Cheaper Option to Monopolies

Sam May is a former Wall St analyst with significant experience in both Silicon Valley and Hong Kong. He lives in Portland and is co-founder of Maine Harvest Federal Credit Union. This piece was originally published as a Letter to the Editor in the Portland Press Herald on March 7, 2021. Tux Turkel’s Feb. 28 article succinctly…

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3-part Recipe for a High-performance Maine Power Grid

Empower a statewide consumer-owned utility; assign grid planning to a group that functions in the public interest, and regulate utilities rigorously. Republished here by permission of the author. Appeared originally as an Op-Ed column in the Portland Press Herald on March 5, 2011 Recent news from frozen Texas, and here in Maine, chronicles the sorry…